Master class in “Business Planning”
being organized around Horti Fair
The dutch University and Research centre Wageningen UR will hold a new course in business planning that dovetails participation in the Horti Fair. The course focuses on bettering the company’s operating result by improving its strategic planning and innovation. The Horti Fair, the international trade fair showing technology, innovation and inspiration in horticulture, will be held this year from 1 to 4 November inclusive in Amsterdam.
The Master class on strategic planning for innovation (Business Planning will be provided by the Wageningen Business School of Wageningen UR and will begin a week before the Horti Fair in Wageningen. The course starts off with a strategic planning process. With these new insights, course participants can be more effective in gathering the relevant information they need during the Horti Fair. After the Horti Fair, they will be learning to turn their business development plans into bankable proposals that can be implemented in their own countries.
For owners and managers
“Business Planning” is a course specially developed for owners or managers of horticultural production companies and horticultural suppliers and will be held from 27 October through 5 November 2011. The course will be given in English and will be led by Prof. Olaf van Kooten of the Horticultural Supply Chains Group at Wageningen UR. The price of the course is € 6.995 per person (including syllabi, coffee/tea and lunches).
Those interested can register at the Wageningen Business School website: (select “Postacademic education” and then “Plant”).